A network marketing company
by Martin dekker
Tony and Deb (the owners of this revolutionized company) have been highly successful marketers for a number of years now and came to discover a very dirty little secret in the network marketing industry that was so imoral and shocking they felt a obligation to do something about it and so they did.
You see what people like us don't realize is that all these network marketing companies that spring up only have one thing in mind and that is to fill there own pockets with your money.
The reason why:
First off they don't actually believe in there own products they sell through there network marketing company and secondly which is the most concerning one is that they actually setup there company structure in such away for you to fail.
Yes you heard that right they make out in there advertising that you can make a huge income by joining there network marketing company, but then when you see there payment structure its virtually impossible for you to get to a point where you would start earning a lucrative income. And on top of that they never tell you how you should market your business. If they do they only ask you to go into some kind of rotating website link that never works and you pay a fortune for. Do you really think they use all that money from you to advertise with? Don't count on it.
These are just some of the things network marketing companies do to You to make you fail. They don't want everyone to succeed if they did the company would go broke. They have structured there payment plan in such away that makes a 75% failure rate if they did not have that they would go broke.
And this is why Tony and Deb decided to start there own company up. They wanted to create a network marketing company where by the members would make all the money and worked together to make it successful. They believe that the majority of the profit's the company makes should return to there members. And so the company Big Cash Express was born.
They created a Dual Matrix payout system that virtually guarantees you success. The First part of the Double Matrix system is it's 2x2 follow you sponsor matrix. Here you can sponsor people into the business and create a never ending $1200 check each time you cycle. What's a cycle? A cycle is when you fill up you 2x2 Matrix. So when you sponsor 2 people and they each sponsor 2 people you now have 6 people in your 2x2 Matrix and it's therefore full. Now you have cycled and you earn yourself $1200. And all you have done is sponsored 2 people and show them how to sponsor 2 people each. But it does not stop there. No the 2x2 Matrix is a follow your sponsor matrix so ones your 2 people cycle they will follow you into your New 2x2 Matrix and fill up your new matrix. Now you only have 4 spots left to fill. Just go back and read that again and let it sink in. Can you see how powerful this is?
The second part of the Dual Matrix is the 4x6 Company Profit Matrix. When you join Big Cash express you are automatically placed in both matrix. This 4x6 Matrix is filled up intierly by the Company alone. This is a No Sponsoring Matrix you don't sponsor a sole in it.
How does it work?
When Anyone and I mean anyone in the company sponsors people into there 2x2 Matrix they are automatically also placed into the 4x6 Company Profit matrix. You don't have to do a thing. This means your 4x6 matrix fills up automatically no matter who sponsors who they all get placed into the Company Profit Matrix after you. And you can earn up to $72,356 Per Month Passive Residual income. Even if you don't sponsor yourself. You can be totally passive if you please.
It's absolutely amazing what Tony and Deb have created here and it will forever be the New blue print for the network marketing industry. And I tell you not a moment to soon, you virtually can't fail!
So there it is finally a company build for it's members where the members make the most profits and the company is the driving force behind it. That's how it should be and always will be with Big Cash Express.
You can listen to Tony And Deb on a conference call, see the times below, you can also ask them question at the end of the call.
Monday thru Friday 1 pm eastern standard time
PS: Next article will be on the product alone called Digital Gold it's so good that I will write a separate article about it.
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